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京都西山短期大学 Webシラバス

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英会話Ⅱ - 講義詳細
担当教員Klinger Walter
成績評価の基準Grading: Writing 30% Lessons 1 – 6 (5 points each lesson). Speaking 60% Lessons 7 – 12 (10 points each lesson). Writing & Speaking 10% Exam Lesson 16. In lessons 13-14-15, write 2 notes about how you liked or didn’t like the movie, and about how much English you could understand or not. In Exam Lesson 16, make a voice recording of your notes after I checked and corrected them.
教科書Textbook: Students can download class material from the teacher’s Google Drive.

woz-ch-en A3.pdf 


woz-ch-en 1column.pdf 


授業概要Objectives: Students will be able to read aloud many pages from a movie script smoothly. Students will improve confidence in their English listening skills. Students will increase their vocabulary and comprehension of sentence grammar structure in the writing exercises.
Outline: Download woz-chinese-english.pdf which is a bilingual English & Chinese script of the 1939 movie, “The Wizard of Oz” オズの魔法使. Read the script. Try to understand the English grammar and vocabulary. Download woz-audio.zip (31 mb) which contains 17 m4a audio files of me reading the script. Listen to the audio while you read the script. Download woz--video-01-56.zip (890 mb) or 5 smaller zip files *or* 5 smaller zip files woz--video-01-10.zip (170 mb), woz--video-11-22.zip (171 mb), woz--video-23-35.zip (172 mb), woz--video-36-44.zip (184 mb), woz--video-45-56.zip (193 mb). In these zip files are mp4 videos of the 56 chapters of the movie. If you have a small data plan and cannot download so much data, it is ok if you just listen to the m4a audio files and read the script when you do your homework. Watch the videos while you read the script. If you want, you can also download the English-Japanese script woz-je.pdf.
1英会話 2 - Lessons 1-6. Read the script. Listen to the m4a audio files. Watch the mp4 videos. Homework: For each lesson of lessons 1-6, find 10 interesting words or phrases anywhere in the script. Write the words in English and Chinese. Write a sentence in English using each word. Upload your writing in each week’s Google Classroom lesson page. The teacher will correct your grammar mistakes and return your writing. Try to pace something like this:
英会話 2-Lesson 1. ~Chapter 8 Kansas - Marvel
2英会話 2-Lesson 2. ~Chapter 21 Munchkinland
3英会話 2-Lesson 3. ~Chapter 31 Scarecrow - Tin Man
4英会話 2-Lesson 4. ~Chapter 40 Lion - Emerald City
5英会話 2-Lesson 5. ~Chapter 48 Witch’s Castle
6英会話 2-Lesson 6. ~Chapter 56 No Place Like Home
7英会話 2 - Lesson 7. Kansas – Professor Marvel. Make a voice recording of you reading the same chapters as in audio01-03.m4a or audio04-05.m4a or audio06-08.m4a.
8英会話 2 - Lesson 8. Munchkinland. Make a voice recording of you reading the same chapters as in audio09-12.m4a or audio13-16.m4a or audio17-19.m4a
9英会話 2 - Lesson 9. Scarecrow - Tin Man. Make a voice recording of you reading the same chapters as in audio20-21.m4a or audio22-24.m4a or audio25-28.m4a.
10英会話 2 - Lesson 10. Lion - Emerald City. Make a voice recording of you reading the same chapters as in audio29-31.m4a or audio32-35.m4a or audio36-38.m4a.
11英会話 2 - Lesson 11. Witch’s Castle. Make a voice recording of you reading the same chapters as in audio39-40.m4a or audio41-44.m4a or audio45-48.m4a.
12英会話 2 - Lesson 12. No Place Like Home. Make a voice recording of you reading the same chapters as in audio49-51.m4a or audio52-56.m4a.
13英会話 2-Lesson 13. Write a few sentences about how you liked or didn’t like the movie (what scenes did you like and why, what characters did you like and why, would you like to see it again, etc.).
14英会話 2 - Lesson 14. Complete these 3 statements: 1. After I read the sentences in the script in English along with the Chinese translation, I could understand... (a) ...the English pretty well. (b) ...the English a little. (c) ...very little or almost nothing of the English. 2. Reading English with Chinese translation was .... (a) a very useful and interesting way to study English. (b) a little helpful and interesting way to study English. (c) not a useful or interesting way to study English. 3. Listening to the movie in English after reading the English & Chinese text was... (a)...pretty easy. (b)...a little easy. (c)...pretty difficult. (d)...very difficult.
15英会話 2 - Lesson 15. The teacher sent back to you your writing from Lessons 13 & 14 with corrections for any grammar mistakes. Write your notes again including the corrections.
注意事項等Homework: (One hour per week 1週間に1時間) Read the scenario script and pay attention to the vocabulary, sentence structures, and spelling. Practice your reading performance.

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